

hello! this is a personal blog of sorts.

i have a red and grey notebook that serves as my personal journal, so i decided to make a personal blog. writing to just myself is nice, but now i get to write to the void as well. i say “the void” because i don’t know who’s going to read this, and frankly, i might not even care. it’s just a place to get some of my thoughts out.

that being said, i’ll still have rules about what i will and won’t post. actually, scrap that – i’ll have rules about what i won’t post:

  • no personal information about myself or otherwise. this means no names, specific locations i’ve been to, pictures with people in it, fake names that stand in for real people, or any other personally identifying info.
  • no personal thoughts or feelings i wouldn’t say to anyone’s face. this isn’t a venting blog.
  • no drama.
  • no politics or other really controversial topics.
  • i’ll just try and not be bad in general.

aside from those ground rules, i’ll pretty much post whatever and whenever i want. i will give spoiler warnings if i talk about games, movies, or tv shows, though.

i thought this blog would be harder to set up than it actually was. i’m using this theme on github pages. pretty cool. i like the base theme as is, but if i change my mind i’ll change this css. i’ve done my fair share of tweaking preset themes so this blog might look different in the future.

i can even post math here: \(x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}\) and do other stuff with github pages/jekyll’s plugins, but the math looks bad. maybe i’ll tweak that too.

i also enabled comments, cause apparently that’s a thing you can do with github pages?

anyhow. i think that’s about it for my intro.

signing off now.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.